Saturday 18 August 2007

Having a moan!

Its August 18th and already i can feel Autumn in the air. We have had no real summer to talk of, we had it hot for a few weeks in April, then grey clouds and rain on and off (mostly on!) throughout May, June,July and a few hot (ish) days in the beginning of August. This morning is grey, cool and damp! Last year we had a glorious summer, we had just bought this house and it was blazing sunshine throughout June, July August, which was great for us all as it was the first time we' d had a garden and we made the most of it. Anyway enough of me moaning!

Went to see my Dad yesterday, he is still in hospital where the the docs are treating him for a chest infection rather than pneumonia. He is still very poorly and the doc told us that if there has been no improvement by today they will change his antibiotics in the hope that he will respond better. We just want him to get better its awful seeing him in so poorly, he never usually suffers with his chest and to see him struggling when he is breathing is terrible.

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